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Friday, January 17, 2014

Free Promo Results

Hey, guys. Thanks so much for helping me get the word out about the free promotion. You were a really big help. If you don't mind, I wanted to share some of the results with you.


I came pretty close to my download goal. The book had at least one download from every international Amazon site, except for two. The most came from the U.S. and UK.


The book was in the Top 50 of FREE books in the "Epic Fantasy" category the entire three days. In the UK, the book broke the Top 25 of free books in a couple of Fantasy categories (Epic and Contemporary). In the US last night, the book broke into the Top 25 of free books in the "Epic Fantasy" category.


Overall, this promotion was very successful. The novel got a lot of exposure, generating momentum, and it got into foreign markets where it had no presence before. If only five percent of the downloads turn into reviews, this novel will be set. And when weighing the results, consider these factors: there are thousands of free books out on the market at any given time, especially fantasy novels; my book doesn't have any reviews and it is self-published; and this was the first free promotion I've done, so there was a big learning curve on where to sell, who to sell to.

Much thanks to everyone who helped get the word out. A lot was accomplished this first time around. Thank you.

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