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San Jose's Darlings - GR

San Jose's Darlings

Marcuria's End - GR

Marcuria's End


(Please note that this page is a work in progress. Not all excerpts have been added.)

San Jose's Darlings

Excerpt 1

Excerpt 2

Excerpt 3

Excerpt 4

Excerpt 5

Excerpt 6


Marcuria's End

     In the ensuing silence, the breeze whispered through legion upon legion of leaves above him, their beat soothing to his ears yet clashing with the weary pulse of his being. Unable to think, feel, or move, Alyn listened to the leaves’ song, awaking comprehension of the sacred, intimate part of him that had always been hidden. Explanations for every question he had about his nature and his purpose would’ve been his if he’d retained sufficient control of his mind in order to just remember. Like a thirsty imbecile trying to catch raindrops with spread fingers, answers and understanding fell away from him to disappear into the cracked earth. Alyn didn’t feel sadness, anger, disappointment, or regret. Actually, he didn’t feel a thing, which could be said was the sweetest of mercies.

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