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San Jose's Darlings - GR

San Jose's Darlings

Marcuria's End - GR

Marcuria's End

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Blurb for New Book

Yo, dudes. I just wanted to show you the book blurb for my upcoming book, San Jose's Darlings:

A mentally-ill man grieves. A homebound girl despairs. A madman promises the impossible.


Several years after experiencing a mental breakdown, Robert is still scraping and clawing to put his life back together. However, a major piece has been cut out of his life: never again will he be able to love romantically. To love like this is to be overrun by mental illness. The agony is too intense, too debilitating, too insurmountable.

However, when Robert meets Heather, a timid spark of hesitant hope is ignited inside of him, for Heather is a kindred spirit with a similar reluctance to blend into society. That hope is quickly crushed after Robert reminds himself that he is meant to be alone, always and forever. Nothing can, or will, change that.

In the very midst of Robert’s inner turmoil, an eccentric stranger named Chester Dimplebottom steps into Robert’s life proclaiming that he has the ability to grant that which Robert has yearned for: a heavenly gift that will change the course of his life. Nevertheless, life-altering gifts such as these never are freely given. A sacrifice must always be made.

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